Ingredients: acorn kernels (Quercus robur) 100 %.
A powerful and delicious alternative to coffee, appreciated in our region for ages – for many a childhood nostalgia, for others a rediscovered superfood. Traditionally it was drunk to recover from illness, childbirth and growth.
Nowadays it is being studied by scientists as a source of many biologically active compounds, polyphenols with surprising antioxidant activity – tannins, ellagic acid, etc.
Acorns stimulate the appetite, improve digestion and may help prevent the development of osteoporosis, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.
The rich tannins increase glucose absorption, making it an excellent choice for diabetics.
The meticulously sourced recipe is crafted to achieve a luxurious, delicate caramel flavour with hints of walnuts and rye bread.

2 ways of preparation:
1. Add 1 tsp of coffee per cup of boiling water or your favourite milk; let steep for 5-7 mins. 2. Traditional way: Boil water, add 1 tbs of coffee per cup, boil for 3-5 mins. Add the same amount of boiling milk and brew for another 1 min.

Serve it with honey, butter or cinnamon. Enjoy!

Goes well with all kinds of coffee-makers and semi-automatic espresso machines.
Read one of our stories to find out more about this tea:
Try a cold cocktail - dessert with acorn coffee: recipes.
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